From Hospital to Home {Fine art film & digital fusion lifestyle newborn photography, Charleston, SC}

I have been incorporating more and more film (medium format and 35mm) into my sessions over the past few years and am drawn to it’s unique look and image quality for my clients.

I met this beautiful newborn baby boy in the hospital with mom and dad for their “Fresh 48 session.” He was so exhausted from his trip earthside, that he slept almost the entire time I was there – only waking once to feed.  A week and a half later, I traveled to their home to capture his full newborn session which included his sleepy portraits as well as photos with his 2-year old big brother, mom and dad – and all the beautiful candid moments that unfold as they welcomed baby {E} home! Big brother {B} was incredibly sweet with his new family member. Read below for an interview with mom and her perspective on the session!

Film photos taken with Mamiya RZ67 medium format or Nikkormat 35mm SLR camera and Fuji Pro400h and/or Kodak Portra 800. Digital photos captured on a Canon 5D MarkIII.


Little brother’s first “fist-bump”!

Was there anything you were nervous or worried about before your sessions?

I was very nervous about my session due to the inclusion of {B}, our two year old. Jody was so patient and understanding of the demands of a toddler. She was able to capture the glimpses of sweetness and kindness that our rambunctious two and a half year old rarely shows! Such a professional with children of all ages!

Do you have any advice for other families preparing for a fresh 48 session or an in-home newborn session?

My advice would be to just have faith in Jody’s abilities because despite trying to keep up with husband, toddler, newborn, makeup, sweat and hormones she was able to capture the most precious and special moments between our families that I didn’t even realize were caught!   Also make sure you pick out your outfits for the entire family before the morning of.  Lol

What do you hope your children will say years down the road when looking at these images?

I hope my children will see how dearly they are loved for all the years to come.  I hope they will see how beautiful and delicate they were and how much our family means to us as parents.

What was your favorite part of the experience?
My favorite part of the session was watching Jody work alone with the newborn.   The intricate ways she was able to manipulate his sweet little body into poses was truly incredible!  As I watched Jody on her tip toes, I realized her years of dance experience clearly have given her an unbelievable foundation for getting exactly the right spot and angles to take magnificent photos.

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