Pure Joy | Charleston Fresh 48 & In home Newborn Photography

Her motherhood story:

What were your first thoughts when you met baby {W}?

When baby Wade was placed on my chest, my heart and mind were flooded with a sudden and unfathomable array of thoughts and feelings. He entered into this world precipitously, yet perfectly. How could something so tiny elicit such extreme feelings of fierce love, immense responsibility, overwhelming joy, and humble gratitude to our Savior? I noticed his tiny right ear that wasn’t quite folded over at the top. I noticed his adorable button nose. I searched his face for familiarity of looking like his big sister. He was here. He was perfect. He was my precious son.

What do you hope your children will say years down the road when looking at these images?

When Wade and Ellis and future children see these beautiful photos, I pray that they see the love of our family. I hope that they realize that we love one another out of an overflow of God’s great love for us. I hope that they see true and genuine joy and happiness on the faces of Mommy and Daddy. I pray that they see this beautiful tiny baby as an incredible miracle – a child made in the image of God. Every detail captured by the talent behind the camera was a well thought out detail of God’s perfect design. My sweet children, and all of us were fearfully and wonderfully made. I hope my children can laugh at how tiny they are and how young Mommy and Daddy look, and recognize that the JOY in this room is but a glimpse of the joy that awaits us in heaven!

What is your favorite thing about being a mother?

How difficult to pinpoint a favorite thing about being a mother. I love being needed. I love being someone’s world. My baby’s are MY world and I love pouring all of me into them. From the moment I discovered my first pregnancy, I knew that I had been called to this high and holy calling of motherhood. I felt the immense responsibility of raising little people… of shepherding their hearts towards Christ. I love seeing a wide smile on Ellis’ face and can’t wait to see that on Wade’s… knowing that I helped put it there! The joy I bring to them is incomparable to the joy that they bring me. I love when Ellis wraps her arms around my neck, or when baby Wade clutches my finger and gazes into my eyes, inches from his. I want to feel like their safe place. As my husband says, we are “home team” and we will stick together as a family, no matter what. I’m so very thankful and humbled at the opportunity and blessing to mother my babies.

Her session experience:

Was there anything you were nervous or worried about before your session?

I was nervous about things going “right.” For the “Fresh 48” session, I was nervous about how my 2 year-old would do meeting her baby brother for the first time, after Mommy had been away for a day… all while a camera was there. I was worried about her reaction to him, mostly! In my mind, I wanted everything to go perfectly… Yet, in thinking about it, however her meeting with him would go, WOULD be perfect… because it would be our story. I looked forward to the session with joyful anticipation and hoped that I would have images that helped capture my feelings. Spoiler alert… I do.

Do you have any advice for other families preparing for a hospital “Fresh 48” session and an in-home newborn session?

Choose all the details to your heart’s content… Plan the outfits, find the perfect robe, carefully style the hair and makeup… but then let it go. Be in the moment and enjoy it. Especially in a “Fresh 48” session. These are moments that you will never forget. The imperfections will help make it perfect for you. The cantankerous toddler will make for an incredible photo and story to go with it! So, take a deep breath and enjoy it!

What was your favorite part of the experience?

Hands down, my favorite part was having the documentation of big sister Ellis meeting her baby brother Wade for the first time. I am someone who appreciates “firsts,” and having such incredible images and video from this precious first meeting is priceless to me. I pray that the moment and the feelings are forever ingrained in my memory and heart. I am so pleased that I have physical, tangible reminders to help me remember the moments forever. Growing our family is such a special and unique phase of life. I am so thankful for our decision to work with Jody to document these cherished moments!


Images were captured on Canon 5DMark III, Canon 1V (35mm film) or Mamiya645AFD (120 film) and developed and scanned at the FIND Lab.

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